Monday, June 15, 2015

How To Get Beautiful buttocks without the GYM

Beautiful buttocks

  • Podem the stairs. The more you live, the better. Raising your knees you make the load on the one cheek, then the other. Just make it a rule at least once a day to climb the stairs to the apartment. During the ascent peredyhu not do and try to stretch the buttocks. The first flight go normally, and the second flight of steps over two steps.

  • Strain buttocks. This can be done at home, in public transport, at work. Soon you will see the effect.

  • Home exercises for priests elastic. Let us consider the most simple but enormously effective exercises to give the priest sexual elasticity. Remember, the skin is stretched to the muscles. And if we make the muscles more elastic and tense, and the skin on the priest did the same.

  • Walking to the pope. That's not a typo. Such an exercise does exist. It is tested for years in the dance studios. It is very simple. Hop on the ass on the floor, legs together, back straight. You like to turn into a corner. So, from this position you are going to sing quietly forward 1 meter, then back to 1 meter. Then open your legs a bit and also walk back and forth booty 1 meter. Walk for 10 minutes every day, and in two weeks will be your ass like a nut.

  • most common squats. Without lifting the heels off the floor make the most sit-ups. Immediately after the walk to the pope to do more squats, boiling muscles of the buttocks. Explosive load priest gives crazy results.

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