Monday, June 15, 2015

What is tae-bo ? Want to know ?

tae-bo - a fitness program based on the performance of techniques of martial arts (Thai boxing, karate, taekwondo), elements of aerobics, strength training and stretching.
The developer of the fitness complex is Billy Blanks - multiple world champion in karate black belt martial arts five successful actor and stuntman. He proposed to combine the basic punches and kicks of martial arts from a fast and rhythmic music, aerobics and stretching. The result was a highly effective fitness program that was called tai-bo.

The benefits of tai-bo
Tai-bo increase muscle tone and effectively burn excess weight, causing the body gets unique muscular relief, elasticity and beauty. During each workout time to get involved and a hefty load of almost all muscle groups. It should be noted that during the one-hour tai-bo spend an average of 700 kcal, which corresponds to run the distance of 10 kilometers. Tai-bo will allow you to drop three or more kilograms per month, without changing their food preferences and habits. Systematic studies that fitness not only help lose weight, but also reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood and contribute to the active prevention of atherosclerosis and heart disease.
Punches, kicks and other exercises used in training tae-bo maximally natural and physiological, as the structure of the musculoskeletal system of modern man originally destined evolutionary necessity to protect and attack to maintain and sustain life.
Tai-bo does not involve sparring, so no one will have to beat, but the technique of kicks, their accuracy has been overlooked. As a result of regular training formed the so-called dynamic stereotype that allows your nervous system to use during attacks only the necessary muscle groups and make traffic more efficiently and effectively. In short, your bangs will be strong and precise, which undoubtedly can be useful for self-defense.
During classes tai-bo performed not only the individual strokes and exercises, but also combinations thereof, wherein the combination of some of these rather complex and are not at once. Thus, the coordination of movements and train the vestibular apparatus, which is an excellent prevention of injuries. As a result, your gait becomes confident and strong, and you will not be afraid to drop even on the slippery ice, or learn how to fall correctly.
Uniform training of all muscle groups contributes to the formation of correct posture and prevention of diseases of the spine, including degenerative disc disease.
Stretching exercises included in the training set of tai-bo, a positive effect on muscle tone and their elasticity, making the musculoskeletal system more flexible and agile, to help restore a sense of youth in your movements.
You can independently control the load obtained during classes tai-bo, even if the exercise group. The intensity is easily changed in a large, and in the smaller side, and on the pace of group training will not be affected. For example, if at some point the workout you feel that the momentum exceeds your physical abilities, you will be enough to reduce the amplitude of shocks, reduce muscle tension with each blow, and the intensity of the workout for you to fall. Bandmates will not notice, because the rhythm of the exercises did not change. To increase the intensity you need to do the opposite.
By learning to control the intensity of exercise, you can effectively train the cardiovascular system, as well as to achieve other important for your physical condition of the goals and objectives. You can easily switch to different heart rate zone, if necessary, by increasing the burning of calories from fat, or shifting the body to use as a mode of energy carbohydrates. Change of aerobic and anaerobic exercise routines will increase the adaptive capacity of your body and make it more resistant to certain types of stress.
Perform drum techniques, imitation of the fight to help find a way out of latent aggression, negative emotions, thus, tai-bo contribute to peace of mind and prevent the development of psychological distress.
Doing tai-bo, you can have your own home, using as a guide, videos, copyright training, the choice of which in recent years on the Internet is increasing. However, group classes tai-bo with an experienced instructor will be more effective. Each workout tai-bo has a powerful emotional charge, it makes everyone involved in synchronized unison apply?

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