Monday, June 15, 2015

Morning Yoga - yoga for beginners

Morning Yoga

Hasta Uta-asana
(Intensive stretching hands)
Feet together, twist the fingers, with elbows bent away; their head.
Opening the chest, chin down and pull forward.
Rise on your toes, heels close together, arms straighten the elbow, leading the binding of fingers as far as possible behind your head. Looking forward.

(Bending forward from a standing position) feet together, legs slightly podsognuty in kolenyah.Lozhites bedra.Zahvatite ribs on elbows, hands folded in his forearms, neck rasslablena.Ne slowly straighten your knees, pulling the torso along the legs.
3. Uta-asana (optional) (bending forward from a standing position) Feet slightly vmeste.Nogi podsognuty in kolenyah.Upirayas palms or fists in the kidney area, cave in at the waist and bring lopatki.Medlenno straighten your knees without losing bending at the waist .
4. Chaturanga-danda-asana (reliance on the four parts of the body) of the foot width of the pelvis, hands under plechami.Podtyanite abdomen, tighten the buttocks, pull sheyu.Nogi direct gaze directed pol.Sgibayte elbows, keeping your elbows close to the torso .
5. Ashtanga asana (reliance on the eight points of the body) From chaturanga-danda-asana lower knees to the floor, then push the forehead and grud.Ruki to the ribs.
6. Adho-Mukha-Shvanasana (posture of the dog snout down) Take away the pelvis back and up, legs slightly bent to push off the floor kolenyah.Ot straight arms. Keep the blade, tighten the lower abdomen and rotten in poyasnitse.Medlenno straighten your knees and lower your heels to the floor without losing the lumbar support. The head at shoulder level.
7. Ekapada-Adho-Mukha-Shvanasana (posture of the dog snout down extended upwards foot) head back on the same level with the shoulders, lift your right leg up, toe pointed.
8. Virabhadra-asana (posture warrior) Bend the upper leg and her proshagnite forward, placing the heel a little more knee, thigh parallel polu.Drugaya leg straightens the knee and stands on his toes. Ribs lightly on the hips. Hand over hand pull up - the palm of each drugu.Vzglyad the space between the palms.
9. Utkat-asana (posture chair) legs together, feet firmly. Tucking the pelvis forward, secure the waist line. Hand over hand pull up - the palm of each drugu.Sognuv your knees, keep your lower back straight. The look is directed forward.

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