Monday, June 15, 2015

Exercises for beautiful grip

1. Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, arms down. From inhale slowly raise both arms upward slightly and hold them there as you exhale, lower down. 5-10.

2. The same situation, but raise your hands to the sides. Start rotation: first - brushes, several times back and forth, and then connect the forearm at the end arrange "the mill", rotating arms from the shoulder.

3. Standing, feet shoulder width apart, hands with small gantelkami (for starters, you can do exercise without dumbbells or take a plastic half-liter bottles of water) are bent and pressed against his chest. Do sharp attacks one foot forward while throwing forward sharply opposite hand (as if you are trying to break through the invisible wall with his fist). 5-10 times with each hand.

4. Pushups. To begin with, until the muscles have not yet matured, can be wrung from the wall or the floor, resting not on foot, and on bended knees, it reduces the load. Make 5-10 push-ups by placing your hands wider than shoulders (fingers look right), 5-10 - hands slightly narrower shoulders (fingers inside), 5-10 - hands shoulder-width apart, toes slightly apart.

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