Monday, June 15, 2015

Top 9 Motivational HABITS for all men and Women

All successful people - the early birds. Something special and magic is in the early rise. This part of the day when the world still did not wake up - the most important and inspiring. Those who get up before dawn sun, say their life has become full. Try it and you get up early, and after a month or two you will be a pity to remember those years, when the dawn greeted in bed.

2. HOBBIES reading
If you replace an hour a day sitting in front of a TV or computer to read useful and interesting book, you will become the smartest person among his entourage. You will quickly find answers to the questions you will be more interesting to chat, much will turn itself. As Mark Twain said: "A man who does not read good books has no advantage over the man who can not read."

3. The ability to simplify
Simplification - this is the elimination of unnecessary and useless. You must be able to simplify all that can and should be simplified. Even though it requires long practice, as a result of a positive result. Clears the memory and feelings, you are less worried and nervous. What will your life easier, the more you will be able to enjoy it.

4. Slow
Enjoy your life in constant stress and chaos is impossible. Find a quiet time for yourself, stop, listen to yourself and your inner voice. Pay attention to everything that matters to you. Make it a habit of waking up early, when there are quiet, to meditate, to think, to create. Slow down the pace of life, and then all of what you're chasing, self overtake you.

5. Train
Regular activity keeps health. If you do not have time to exercise, sooner or later, you can still start to do them to maintain their health. Sport can be practiced not only in gyms, but also at home.

6. Daily practice
The more one practices, the more successful it becomes. For luck - this is the place where the practice is found with the possibilities. Without practice impossible to express his talent. With practice, you will always be ready to take the opportunity to show their talent.

7. Setting
It is this habit can accelerate your success. Surround yourself with positive, energetic people. They - the best support, motivation and tips. In hours of depression chat with your friends the ability to raise your feet.

8. Keep a journal of thanks
It is a habit that can work wonders. Thank for everything that you have, and strive for the best. Thanks generates new reasons for joy. Before going to bed write down one thing for which you are grateful. Miracles do not keep you waiting!

9. Be resistant
Thomas Edison made 10,000 failed attempts before inventing the light bulb. Walt Disney to Disneyland base had to listen to 303 different banks from failure, before it achieved the desired. 134 publisher rejected the book of John. Canfield and Mark V. Hansen's "Chicken Soup for the Soul", before she became an international bestseller. Feel pattern? If you want to achieve the desired, be stubborn and do not give up!

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