Monday, June 15, 2015

What is tae-bo ? Want to know ?

tae-bo - a fitness program based on the performance of techniques of martial arts (Thai boxing, karate, taekwondo), elements of aerobics, strength training and stretching.
The developer of the fitness complex is Billy Blanks - multiple world champion in karate black belt martial arts five successful actor and stuntman. He proposed to combine the basic punches and kicks of martial arts from a fast and rhythmic music, aerobics and stretching. The result was a highly effective fitness program that was called tai-bo.

5 asanas yoga posses that will help you get rid of a bad mood!

asanas yoga posses

A selection of yoga asanas, which not only will your body in order (especially the spine and shoulder girdle), but cheer up, get rid of the winter blues. :)
Contraindications: back problems.

How To Get Beautiful buttocks without the GYM

Beautiful buttocks

  • Podem the stairs. The more you live, the better. Raising your knees you make the load on the one cheek, then the other. Just make it a rule at least once a day to climb the stairs to the apartment. During the ascent peredyhu not do and try to stretch the buttocks. The first flight go normally, and the second flight of steps over two steps.

Best Exercises for elasticity Feet

If you want to have your leg muscles toned and elastic, this set of exercises to be performed 3-4 times a week. One to three months of regular practice you will achieve visible results.

Top 9 Motivational HABITS for all men and Women

All successful people - the early birds. Something special and magic is in the early rise. This part of the day when the world still did not wake up - the most important and inspiring. Those who get up before dawn sun, say their life has become full. Try it and you get up early, and after a month or two you will be a pity to remember those years, when the dawn greeted in bed.

All about Kundalini Yoga - Must Read

Kundalini Yoga

Kundalini Yoga - yoga, in which the main role is played by breathing techniques. The goal of Kundalini Yoga - awakening of a powerful stream of kundalini energy, sleeping in every person.

Best Buttocks exercises and Advice

Buttocks exercises

required 10-15 minutes three times a week and systematic execution of exercises described.

Exercises for beautiful grip

1. Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, arms down. From inhale slowly raise both arms upward slightly and hold them there as you exhale, lower down. 5-10.

Top 7 things that can not be done immediately after a meal

after a meal

The first and probably the most unfortunate thing for smokers is that smoking immediately after eating is strictly forbidden, as it is very harmful to health.

Morning Yoga - yoga for beginners

Morning Yoga

Hasta Uta-asana
(Intensive stretching hands)
Feet together, twist the fingers, with elbows bent away; their head.
Opening the chest, chin down and pull forward.
Rise on your toes, heels close together, arms straighten the elbow, leading the binding of fingers as far as possible behind your head. Looking forward.